Hi there, my name is Nye.
I am an animator, educator and computer graphics researcher. For many years, I worked as a contract animator and visualization artist on a number of high profile projects. I was also involved in several game and real time start ups. Now, I spend a lot of time thinking about how artists and animators will use automation tools and networked technology. For more information you can check out my bio and CV.
Feel free to read some of the posts in my blog. Or, if real time animation or game development interests you, check out some of the classes I teach at SCAD.I also do consulting and research with Box Rocket Studio.
You can look at some of my past projects in my portfolio. There’s machine learning stuff, or some games I’ve made. You can learn about the movies I worked on. Or maybe, check out some of the comics I’ve scribbled over the years.
I have a wide range of interests about all kinds of stuff. Feel free to say “hello.” My social links are in the “follow” button.
A quick note - I am rebuilding my entire site, which means some sections are incomplete. Please excuse missing links, etc.
Thanks for visiting!
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